Ferrimax, with 40 years of experience, is a leading Spanish company in the field of Physical Security, with a wide range of products and services.


Ferrimax is the reference brand in safes for thousands of people since the late 70s.

Leader in the physical security sector, today Ferrimax responds to the most demanding security needs on the market. Our products range from safes to vaults for the banking sector, jewelry stores, lottery administrations, service stations, shopping centers and other sectors of activity with specific requirements against attacks.

Our flexible manufacturing together with our know-how make us one of the main players in high-risk locations and the physical security market in general.


Our mission is to offer our customers high quality products and comprehensive solutions. For this reason we have always invested in technology, both in the manufacturing of our products and in customer service, becoming a competitive company in the physical security sector at a national and international level. We accompany our products with services ranging from site study to installation, maintenance, technical assistance and removal. Servicios >>

Listening to market demands, Ferrimax has developed new ranges of shielded rooms for Pharmacies, Data Centers and Banks, as well as protected collection systems for the retail and distribution sector.

We are able to offer both a standard product in accordance with European safety regulations and a product tailored to the client's needs and with a personalized aesthetic. Personalización >>

We are always positioned at the forefront of technological advances in the field of physical security. Our technological advances are transmitted on a global scale through a dynamic distribution network, consolidating Ferrimax's presence internationally.


Always working to provide optimal quality, our R&D department integrates the latest technologies in the manufacturing of our products, making Ferrimax a cutting-edge company. Today, our safes and access control systems are supplied with both biometric control and mixed systems that combine Biometric Identification, electronic lock and/or mechanical lock.

Our products are approved by prestigious laboratories, such as CNPP, APPLUS, AENOR and VDS and comply with Spanish and international safety standards.


All manufacturing processes at the Ferrimax industrial plant comply with the quality standards of ISO 9001.

From the simplest to the most sophisticated, Ferrimax develops and manufactures all its safes according to the EN 1143-1 standard. The Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) has certified that the Quality Management System adopted by Ferrimax for the design, production, marketing, after-sales service and maintenance of safes and physical security products such as armored doors and special shields comply with the requirements of the new UNE EN ISO 9001:2008 standard.

The activity that Ferrimax, S.A. considered to conform to the quality required according to the International Standard ISO 9001:2015 is:


The policy statement includes as guidelines:

  1. Commitment to comply with applicable requirements.
  2. Based on strategic lines defined in the context analysis carried out, the company's objectives have been defined, which have been disseminated at all levels of our structure.
  3. Implement Quality indicators, as well as monitor their level of progress, so that it allows us to know and ensure the product and the level of quality desired by our client.
  4. Ensure that working conditions are optimal by evaluating the risks that may occur in the processes, eliminating them as much as possible and reducing those evaluated.
  5. Develop continuous training programs aimed at the best qualification of our workers, thus involving all staff in achieving all the objectives established in this document.
  6. Commitment to continuous improvement of the management system implemented in the company.
  7. Promote and achieve a motivating environment for all members of the company.

The Management makes this policy accessible and makes it available to its clients, all its employees, suppliers, the general public and interested parties.

The Policy is kept up to date through periodic reviews, coinciding with management reviews of the system, in order to take into account changes in environmental conditions and the information received. In that sense, management provides and will provide all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals that are established on a scheduled and periodic basis.


The entire Ferrimax production cycle, from the choice of raw materials to the final packaging, is rigorously respectful of environmental protection.